Story Lab

(Image Information: Brain in a lightbulb; Source: Pixabay)

A New Theory of Human Intelligence | Scott Barry Kaufman 

Two different times of an individual's life can yield different outlooks by others
Twice-exceptional children (~300,000 in the country, but he thinks that is a wrong number)
The challenges can be strengths
However, thinks that we really don't understand what strengths are
Four C's: Competence, Capacity, Creativity, Commitment
Children need to surprise us
Socially creative = socially awkward by our terms
Speaker talks about his educational experience while having a learning disability
When he was eleven, he had the IQ to the left of the bell-curve / however has straight A's senior year
When can achievement trump potential
SAT scores were not high enough for him
Went to Carnegie Mellon University for singing on partial scholarship
Got accepted to Yale
Ability and disability need to be understood more fully and not treated differently

Copyright is Brain Damage | Nina Paley

The person who holds the rights suppress art and communication
They don't have to take the money
The artists don't get the money either
Nina wasn't getting anything from copyright and she realized that a lot of people haven't seen her comics because of that
She is a "copyright abolitionist"
Art is only created because it flows through individuals, the same as culture
Internal censorship halts expression
Permission culture
Solution is to ignore copyright
We self-censor without meaning to
She hopes that people will engage with culture instead of copyright
She ends with a clip of her new movie
The point is that we are all so censored by copyright that we cannot actually be creative
