Feedback Strategies for the Individual

(Image Information: How to Give Effective Feedback; Source: thebalancecareers)

To begin, feedback is very important. However, it is only important if it can be applied to the works of an individual. In regards to the first article, Preschoolers and Praise: What Kinds of Messages Help Kids Grow?, I think that starting constructive criticism and the why to the what is very important to start at an early age because you are instilling the principle of full opinions into the child. It is no longer "I don't like you" and that is the end of the statement, but "I don't like you because....". That later translates to "I don't like this part of your paper because" or "I don't understand this part of your work, do you mind explaining it to me more or hash it out in the synopsis more please?".  I think the concept of a mirror in Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset is a useful concept that focuses more on the reflective stance of an individual's work. The points that you would point out to a child, adolescence, or adult, are all points that they would later use to reflect upon themselves and their own work. They would have the correct tools to put themselves more into focus. However, I like the concept of taking yourself out of the feedback whenever you critique another person and their work because it is a lesson that it is not personal to the other person. Overall, these two articles were very insightful and I generally like feedback and critique. Most of the critique I receive and give now is more fleshed out and isn't just general, but thorough like these articles are suggesting. 
