Topic Research

(Image Information: Two mythological creatures fighting; Source: Wiki)

Jatayu and Sampati will probably be the two characters that I focus on, especially since Sampati has a story similar to that of Icarus. I have studied quite a bit of Greek and Roman mythology so anything that mixes those in are usually of interest to me. 

I found all of these stories really interesting because of the way that the animals were portrayed and how it ended for them. From the Cat story, I could talk about the main identifier of the fur on the Queen's shoulder so that the King knew it was her. There is always a key to the individual. For the Lambikin I found it interesting that it was the principle of the Lambikin turning itself inside-out, which again portrays an identifier since the Jackal could figure out that it was him. And for the Tiger, I like that the Tiger's cruelness made the girl cruel enough to rip the cub in two. Granted, it was sad, but it does portray the ideal of recognizing things in their true form. 
