Week 10 Lab - Advice to Writers

(Image Information: Old pencil and paper writing with eraser; Source: Max Pixel)

Advice to Writers

Sue Prideaux Interview

She started off with the Odyssey, Greek Myths and Nordic sagas because of the creativity and technicality of them

Writer's block can happen a lot

I enjoy her bio about Cerberus being the guard to her personal life.

Brian Kimberling Interview

He pulled inspiration to write from those around him

Writing is hard - procrastination and distraction is real for Kimberling, but he hasn't had writer's block

He wrote wherever (I like the idea of writing wherever you are able)

Janet Evanovich Interview

She seems like a very real individual in how she portrays herself. A college student can really connect to her, especially in the last part of her bio.

I appreciate how she shares the age in which she was first published because that shows that anything can be accomplished at any time as long as you put your mind to it

I can understand her statement about "writer's snacking." I snack all the time and I can see myself having that conflict when I write as well.

Leave Things Lumpy  by Charles Yu

Leave the impurities in your work
Learn that it is the little things that add flavor

Live Before You Write  by Annie Proulx

I really like the line "If we write simply about what we know we never grow."

I find this extremely true because if we are content with what we have done already then we don't truly live. Also, you would run out of material pretty quickly if you start writing when you are young.
