7 Secrets of the Goddess: Chapter 3.1 - Gauri's Secret by Epified
After humanity came culture
Kali is nature - the mother
Gauri is culture - the daughter
Prakriti (nature) - Sanskriti (culture) - Brahmanda (imagined reality of every individual)
Evolutionists make it clear that the body/nature came first
Male to mind -> Shiva is man
Female to matter -> Shakti is woman
Mind can only be expressed through matter
Asuras = negative thoughts
Devas = positive thoughts
Yoga-nidra means nature that hasn't been witnessed by anyone (reality)
Yoga-maya is nature witnessed by an unenlightened mind (perceived reality)
Brahman is involved in nature, which makes him the creator
Shiva is withdrawn from nature, which makes him the destroyer b/c he doesn't entertain the thought
Vishnu is the only one to appreciate Kali and Gauri
Truth is plural (has many readings)
7 Secrets of the Goddess: Chapter 3.2 - Gauri's Secret by Epified
Greatest crime in Hindu work was to kill a Brahmin
Brahma is the human mind that misbehaves
Vishnu is the mind that understands it
Shiva is the mind that doesn't tolerate it
Daksha fears indifference
Shiva was a lover of Sati
He mourns her greatly when she dies and he brings about the end of days with Kali but begs for it to come back
7 Secrets of the Goddess: Chapter 3.3 - Gauri's Secret by Epified
The Devas want Shiva to wake up, marry, and produce a child
Karma is sent to wake up Shiva, but he is killed by Shiva's third-eye
Parvati is sent next - she resists all temptations to wake him up
He appears before her, but not in a proper way until she asks him to change his form
Six boys are produced from Shiva after he gives his sperm to the Devas
Parvati combines the six boys into one (Skanda)
Shiva denies Parvati a child of her own because he is immortal
Parvati produces her own child, who becomes Ganesha
Parvati does not need Shiva, but Shiva needs/wants her
Sati shows death
Parvati shows life
Daksha focuses on himself while Parvati's focuses on others
7 Secrets of the Goddess: Chapter 4.1 -Durga's Secret by Epified
Domesticate nature while evoking the mind
Nature doesn't really mean nature; it means village or community
Haldi (turmeric) is important for Goddess worship
Durga is established as Mahadevi and she is self-created, like Shiva and Vishnu
7 Secrets of the Goddess: Chapter 4.2 - Durga's Secret by Epified
Durga has to defeat Mahish-Asura (the buffalo demon)
Proto-history vs proto-psychology
Aham - how you envision yourself vs. how you truly are
Imagination gets rid of structures (all of them)
Our uncertainty is Mahish
Males torture themselves during Durga's festival for her pleasure
Domestication has to be voluntary in order to have culture
Domestication is a violent practice
The buffalo demon is humanity seeking control of nature
7 Secrets of the Goddess: Chapter 4.3 - Durga's Secret by Epified
Grama-deva is the goddess of the village and also of every woman in the village
Haldi-Kunku - Married women gather and it is for women, but widows are not allowed
This is to ensure fertility
Sati (chaste women) associated with magical powers
Chastity can make a woman more powerful than the Gods
There was the belief that a woman's chastity protects her husband
Sita and Draupadi chose to become domesticated (Gauri), but they have moments of being Kali
Sita is shown as a simpering doormat
7 Secrets of the Goddess: Chapter 4.4 - Durga's Secret by Epified
Six of the seven wives of seven celestial sages get pregnant
They are accused of infidelity
They abort the fetuses
The fetuses become one individual
The wives receive powers against women and children
The goddess is acknowledged, but asked to stay away from the household
She is a part of nature
Nature can be cruel and kind
We must be wary of the darker side of nature
Shakti is natural power
Durga is artificial fortress
Durga is defender of the weak
Imagination allows us to reject the ways of nature
We create victims, heroes, and villains (this is all within imagination) (they do not exist outside of it)
An alpha must give way to another younger alpha
Different people have different notions (it is all based on perspective)
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