Growth Mindset - The Power of the Cat on the Mind

(Image Information: "This is hard. This is fun!" cats; Source: This is hard. This is fun!)

So this image actually speaks a lot to me. I enjoy a good challenge and usually don't have fun with something and I don't look forward to it when it isn't challenging. I also just enjoy the little cat flying because my cat jumps like that all of the time. 

(Image Information: Study something new cat; Source: Study something new. )

A big reason for the selection of this cat is because I have always loved learning new things. I'm not as much of an avid book reader anymore, but I crave new knowledge and so I challenge myself with the courses I take. 

(Image Information: My peers can be my teachers. cat; Source: My peers can be my teachers.)

In general, this is a principle that I adhere to pretty strictly. For myself, I don't believe that I hold all the knowledge in the world, so I love learning different things from my peers. 
