Topic Brainstorm - Project

There a quite a few topics I would like to discuss in my post, but I will sadly narrow it down to four.

1. Food
            Food has always been of interest to me since I was little. My father was a chef and my grandparents loved and still love to teach me new recipes. Not only do I love to cook, but I love to watch other people cook and I spend a majority of my free time on YouTube looking up chef videos and videos of individuals traveling and trying food. I think it would be kind of fun if the story was told from the perspective of the food that I find while reading. I'll pick a main dish and have it tell the story. My source.

2. Festivals and Holidays 
             If I could express my love of festivals and holidays accurately in this post then I would, but I cannot. Ever since I was little, I have loved holidays and I have loved festivals no matter what kind they are. One of the newest festivals I have been exposed to is Holi. My boyfriend and I both went to a festival last year and definitely plan to go again this year. If I was to tell a story using a festival or a holiday, I would probably have it set during Holi. I will research other holidays/festivals, but more than likely I will use Holi.

(Image Information: Happy Holi; Source:The Indian Express)

3. Reincarnation
             As a Religious Studies major, different aspects of death interest me. At one point, I even thought about studying to become a mortician. That point aside, I find the concept of reincarnation interesting and have studied it only briefly. I am interested in studying it more in-depth. I would probably follow a character through many different lives and see how it effects him/her getting to Moksha. My source.

4.  Animal Characters of the Ramayana 
               Overall, I find animals as central characters interesting. I have not read the Ramayana but I am excited to see what it has to offer in regards to animal characters. They are often hard to apply and even harder to make interact in a cohesive way. I would probably approach this by having the same characters, but different stories. Side stories, if you will, that will show them maybe in a slightly different light. My source and source two.

(Image Information: Jambavan; Source:Wiki)
