Reading Notes - Mahabharata Part B Video

(Image Information: Child Bhima fighting with snakes in the river; Source: Wiki)

Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution by Epified TV (India)

Kunti (married to Pandu) can summon Gods
Kunti summons the Sun God and is given a child by him
She puts the child in a basket and has him float down a river
Pandu is cursed to die if he has sex with a woman due to him shooting and killing a hermit who was
               copulating with his partner
Kunti tells Pandu about her gift
Kunti receives three sons from the Gods for Pandu
       -She refuses to have more after three
Kunti wishes to help Madri so she calls on the Gods again for children and receives two for Madri
Pandu tries to sleep with Madri and ends up dying
Madri cremates herself with Pandu

Visayas makes one hundred children and they have something demonic about them

Bhima is pushed into a lake while deep asleep and he is bitten by many poisonous snakes
Bhima woke up and killed all the snakes
Visuki (a large serpent) is related to Bhima and called him "grandson"
Bhima is gifted a magical drink that can help him eliminate threats to himself and his brothers
Bhima realized he shouldn't be innocent anymore and had the strength of one hundred elephants

Drona arrives
Drona chooses to train the boys
Drona's motivations are found out (vengeance)

Arjuna is shown up by a forest dweller (Ekalavya) in the art of archery
Drona tells Ekalavya to cut off his right thumb and he does it
