Week 8 Comments and Feedback

(Image Information: Cheezburger Cats)

I decided to pick this image because rings the most true to me. Being someone who played different sports and the trumpet for years, I did what I needed to do and then looked to my coach/director on what needed to be fixed or improved. You never truly learn what you need to until you take in the perspective of other individuals. Most people are told to trust in themselves and they should, but that shouldn't be the only outlook that matters to you when you are trying to excel in your field.

In terms of feedback, I believe that everyone who has responded on my stories has given great feedback. This week I will actually be going back and fixing a few more things that I have had pop-up in my comment boxes as critiques. They are all very valid and I am surprised that I did not think of them sooner. I believe and hope that I am giving good enough feedback to the individual stories that I have been posting on. I have made sure to point out the things that I like and some of the small fixes individuals can make such as tense and gender agreement. I know that I have had some problems with tense agreement so I am trying to help others that may have problems with it too. I really like reading other student's blogs because I do feel like I get to know them. It isn't necessarily through their introduction, but their writing styles. People now know that I like to play around with darker themes and that I like to play with more serious topics such as the destruction of the planet and love. Likewise, I get to learn about others in the same regard. In terms of feedback, I like what I am giving to individuals because I feel like it would help me if I was in their shoes. As time goes on I may change my Introduction in terms of content because I want to add new interests I am developing and such. I will be leaving my Comment Wall as is because I like the simplicity of it. I will also more than likely add a picture of my cats to my Introduction page.
