Week 8 Progress

(Image Information: Today, not tomorrow; Source: Flickr)

I'm not going to lie. I am a little disappointed in myself. I figured that by this point in the semester I would be well and truly ahead, but alas life happens and it has kicked me in the shins making me limp when I should run. Point-wise, I feel like I am okay but I am going to fix that this week. My plan is to do all of the bonus this week and complete all of the assignments. I have missed a few assignments and that is all on me, but I am going to fix that. I am going to use this week, next week and Spring Break to get ahead in this course. However, I am proud of the assignments that I have indeed gotten done. I do really like my blog and my portfolio. I have always wanted to have a blog, but I wasn't quite sure where to start. I think what I may do after this course is over is start a new blog and create stories. I enjoy writing and I am actually a Co-President to OU Write Club. I write poetry and short stories that I have always wanted to share, but wasn't quite sure how to do so online, but now I do. I have really enjoyed writing stories through this class and I also have really enjoyed the TED talks you have shared with us as assignments. The second part of the semester I am going to try and stay ahead. I will be making progress over the next few weeks and then I want to avoid falling behind again. One of the worst feelings is feeling like you are failing.
